Daiwa Foundation Small Grants

Scholarship Background

Daiwa Foundation Small Grants provides scholarships to UK or Japanese individuals. The focus of the scholarship is to promote interaction between the two countries. 

The foundation contributes the applicant’s budget to support their education in the UK universities. So, there is no limitation on the number of scholarships. The foundation gives grants to as many students as they can.

Whether you want funds for grassroots exchange or research travel, DAIWA covers all fields of activity. Even, they give funds for exhibitions, attending conferences, events or other projects. The foundation always encourages new initiatives. 

You can read a press release related to the results of the March 2023 funding round. This will help you get an idea of the kind of projects the foundation accepts.

However, that doesn’t mean you can ask for the grants for any projects. You can’t apply for the fund for the below projects:

  • Personal fees
  • Commercial reasons
  • Equipment acquisition
  • Building refurbishment
  • General appeals
  • Retrospective funds
  • Salary costs
  • Fees for school, college or university
  • Consumables
  • Statutory funding replacement
  • Study or research cost for students
  • Art works commission

It would be best if you read the press release intently. This will give you an idea of the kind of projects the DAWAI foundation is granting. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Nationalities: UK or Japan

As said, the DAIWA foundation accepts all fields of activity. Also, be noted about the kind of projects they don’t accept.

Read the Application Note carefully.

Scholarship Level


Note: This fund is not for paying tuition fees. You can’t apply it for research costs. DAIWA ANGLO-JAPANESE Foundation encourages new initiatives, always.

Scholarship Amount & Incentives


Note: They give the fund to as many individuals as they can.

Scholarship Application Procedure

  • UK residents need to apply online.
  • Japanese people need to apply to the Tokyo office.

The foundation is happy to answer all your queries. So, email at grants@dajf.org.uk if you have any questions.

Scholarship Deadline

30 September 2024

If the Online Application is unavailable, wait for a few days. The foundation suggests applying for the fund as soon as possible once the form is available.

Daiwa Foundation Small Grants
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