Scholarship Background
The Anne Rowling Clinic Regenerative Neurology Scholarships is open for international student to pursue Master degree in United Kingdom. Apply at the University of Edinburgh for scholarships.
- No. of Award: one; which covers 60 credits worth of course fee
- No. of Award: two; which covers 30 credits worth of course fee
The scholarship is a great way to learn new things. You can work with experienced and skilled teachers. Thus, your knowledge will be enriched. So, it would be best if you prepare yourself and apply following the requirements.
- Session: 2024-25
- Subject: Stem Cells and Translational Neurology.
Criteria for Eligibility
All students can’t apply for the program. There are specific requirements. Here are the requirements needed to be filled.
- Students who received an offer from the University of Edinburgh
- Good academic result
- Eligible Countries
You have to be a resident of specific countries mentioned below:
Afghanistan | Liberia |
Albania | Libya |
Algeria | Macedonia [The Former Yugoslav Republic of] |
Angola | Madagascar |
Antigua & Barbuda | Malawi |
Argentina | Malaysia |
Armenia | Maldives |
Azerbaijan | Mali |
Bangladesh | Marshall Islands |
Belarus | Mauritania |
Belize | Mauritius |
Benin | Mexico |
Bhutan | Micronesia |
Bolivia | Moldova |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | Mongolia |
Botswana | Montenegro |
Brazil | Montserrat |
Burkina [Burkina Faso] | Morocco |
Burma [Myanmar] | Mozambique |
Burundi | Namibia |
Cambodia | Nauru |
Cameroon | Nepal |
Cape Verde | Nicaragua |
Central African Republic | Niger |
Chad | Nigeria |
Chile | Pakistan |
China | Palau |
Colombia | Palestinian, State of |
Comoros | Panama |
Congo | Papua New Guinea |
Congo (Democratic Republic) | Paraguay |
Costa Rica | Peru |
Cuba | Philippines |
Djibouti | Rwanda |
Dominica | Samoa |
Dominican Republic | Sao Tome And Principe |
East Timor [Timor Leste] | Senegal |
Ecuador | Serbia |
Egypt | Seychelles |
El Salvador | Sierra Leone |
Equatorial Guinea | Solomon Islands |
Eritrea | Somalia |
Ethiopia | South Africa |
Fiji | South Sudan |
Gabon | Sri Lanka |
Gambia, The | St Helena, Ascension & Tristan da Cunha |
Georgia | St Lucia |
Ghana | St Vincent And The Grenadines |
Grenada | Sudan |
Guatemala | Surinam |
Guinea | Eswatini formerly known as Swaziland |
Guinea-Bissau | Syrian Arab Republic |
Guyana | Tajikistan |
Haiti | Tanzania |
Honduras | Thailand |
India | Togo |
Indonesia | Tonga |
Iran | Tunisia |
Iraq | Turkey |
Ivory Coast [Côte D’ivoire] | Turkmenistan |
Jamaica | Tuvalu |
Jordan | Uganda |
Kazakhstan | Ukraine |
Kenya | Uruguay |
Kiribati | Uzbekistan |
Korea (North) [Democratic People’s Republic of] | Vanuatu |
Kosovo | Venezuela |
Kyrgyzstan | Vietnam |
Lao PDR | Yemen |
Lebanon | Zambia |
Lesotho | Zimbabwe |
Scholarship Level
Neurology Scholarships are opened for Master Degree
Scholarship Amount & Incentive
As mentioned above:
- 1 scholarship covers 60 credits worth of course fee
- 2 scholarships cover 30 credits worth of course fee
Scholarship Application Procedure
- Write a precise SOP in 500 words
- Contact:
Last Date of Application
Wednesday 21 August 2024